Name Those Horn Players!

Alright blog readers, I need your help.  I picked up the sketch below at the 1996 Southeast Horn Workshop, which was, strangely enough, held on the campus of the University of Delaware. I can’t remember who I got the picture from, but I do remember a fellow horn student and I helping several of the sheet music and instrument exhibitors pack up their tables at the end of the workshop,  and being compensated in the form of free sheet music and other items (!)  I can only surmise that I chose this sketch as one of the freebies.  However, I neglected to find out anything about the picture, including information on the artist and the names of all of the horn players depicted in it.  The picture has followed me throughout the years, and now hangs in my office.  I know a few of the faces, but I’m not sure about the rest.  Please comment if you recognize any of the players, or if you know anything about the artist, who is identified as “E. Butz” in the lower right hand corner of the page.

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From what I recall starting at top left:

Back row: Hermann Baumann, Francis Orval, Dale Clevenger
Middle row: Froydis, Peter Gordon, Michael Holtzel, William Lane and Alan Civil
Front: Andre Van Driessen and Meir Rimon.

I was at this convention held in Bloomington in the late ’70’s.


Wow some of those guys really looked young in the sketch. I guess they were! 🙂
Dr. Dale C certainly has matured since then and the same with Bill Lane. I had the pleasure of meeting Alan Civil in Vienna in 1971 while he was on tour with the BBC and Pierre Boulez. They played Mahler 9 and it was a totally Civil dominated performance. He played his bell off on that concert. Wow. I went to meet him backstage and he pulled out his little flask and gave me a nip of whisky (at least I think it was whiskey). He then tossed his horn inside his clothing trunk and closed it. No case! He kept it in a large steamer trunk for road travel. It was a fun experience to say the least.


My guess is that this is from the 1980 IHS Symposium in Bloomington Indiana. That was the first time I spent the entire week, and I’m pretty sure all of these players were there. The only other one that I attended before moving to Israel to play was the 1981 symposium in Potsdam, New York. Dale played Ketting Intrada and Franz Strauss Nocturne (with harp) that year.


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